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Hello Three-Wen, I am having trouble progressing far in this game. It keeps crashing on me early on.

Although I am currently on hold from developing this game, please tell me which part is causing the game to crash, thank you

Thanks, I will.

So it's the part after Otiiz gets his battle suit from Hacker Blue in the Labratory and it suddenly crashed after that cutscene where I am told to go back to the map screen to fight bad guys. Bits and pieces of Otiiz's avatar are scatter on the screen like a glitch:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object dia_stand_con:

Variable <unknown_object>.dialog_showname(100145, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_dia_stand_con_Step_0


gml_Object_dia_stand_con_Step_0 (line -1)


How do I solve or fix this problem?
P.S. It's from the version (240302)

I have corrected the error and will be open for you to download for one day. 

The download link for the file will be closed tomorrow.

Thank you so much

Hello again, where is the link? I think I forgot to download the fixed version

Hello, this game is currently out of development and may be remade in the future.

I will open it for you to download for one more day, and close it the next day, but I will not do any more maintenance.

The download link seems to be missing right now

Yes, I hid it because I felt that the game still needed polishing.

(reply again)

why have adult tag?

Because I think there are some adult elements

Why haven't you updated the download tray yet?


The free version you can download is last month's version

oh ok :(

Well currently I can't stick the white snake on the helicopter as that part is for PC

I know, the game is so bug in the mobile cus I just exported it to the mobile version. I will find some time to solve it.


I noticed an issue that whenever I try to do a eating contest, the game has an error and says:




action number 1

of Create Event

for object Obj_big_eater_con:

global variable name 'bec_player3' index (100448) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_Obj_big_eater_con_Create_0


gml_Object_Obj_big_eater_con_Create_0 (line -1)

(1 edit)

Hello, what version did you play? And I want to know  the details.

I try 11month version and didn't find any problem.

Maybe you can play other version.

I was playing version 231102

Can you download again? I try it and it's no problem.

What's your setting in the game? single player mode?

No, I am doing big eater challenge for the event after bar tapping for the city mayor

Ok, I know this bug . I already fixed in Dec version.

thank you for mentioning it

I do have a keyboard and mouse that I can connect to my cell phone.

I will try to do it, but this requires installing additional features on my computer so please wait.

OK thanks 

You can get an apk or html or web to be able to play on your cell phone

I have many operations that require keyboard and mouse

I cant download the versions 230902, is it not out yet?

Yes, you can see the date of the free version in the description bar

ah, so the version 230902 is only available in patreon?  

I usually release last month's version next month

Really nice game~!

A bit of a spoiler but... will you plan to actually implement giving Salaman what he asked for? I really wanna see a muscular kitty... 人´;∀;`)

Yeah, It's in the plan but it's going to take a while